Say No to thirst

Join hands and be a hero

Everyone deserves clean water & everyone needs a shadow under a tree

Funds raised in 2025


“Healthy and happy Pakistan”

Welcome to Drop of Life

Drop of life is a non-profit organization serving in Pakistan. It partners with local organizations to serve provide clean water, plantation, and environment cleaning activities. 

Bring green in your life

Drop of life plantation

We are working with different schools, colleges, universities and offices in plantation activities. Our goal is to educate people regarding importance of plants. You can watch our activities on regular basis on our facebook page.

Trees counter

CO2 pounds reduced


Learn Air layering in seven easy cost effective steps to multiply your plants.

Rain water harvesting pit

Learn rain water harvesting system and apply this to your home or in your neighborhood to conserve rain water and recharge underground water tables.

(turn on subtitles in settings of video)


Our Mission

Our team is always looking for new opportunities to expand and collaborate

water, glass, liquid

Clean water

seedling, gardening, greenhouse


literature, library, knowledge


seagulls, beach, gulls


garbage, bags, waste


pancakes, pancake, crepe


Submersible boring water systems

New water coolers

Old water coolers

Rain water harvesting pits

Water projects

We would like to share some of our achievements which includes submersible boring water system, rain water harvesting pits, new water coolers and restoration of old water coolers.  

Media coverage

Drop of life was covered by Express news Pakistan in February 2025